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pbase Fran Java and Gabi on October 6 2007 DSC_0358.jpg

pbase Fran Java and Gabi on October 6 2007 DSC_0358.jpg

Started out in Newport with beach walk, drove to Providence for breastfast, then home by 9 to play with the dogs!

Nikon D80
1/80s f/4.5 at 22.0mm iso640 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Tor27-Oct-2007 18:00
A nice day on the beach. I'm looking forward to becoming a dog owner again next summer.
Greg Harp07-Oct-2007 22:20
Superbly captured. I always like the beach in the off-season.
Jackdad07-Oct-2007 16:33
a happy day!
Guest 07-Oct-2007 04:01
How cute! V
Gayle P. Clement07-Oct-2007 01:40
This looks like a beautiful day. I love her smile.
Guest 06-Oct-2007 23:03
Well captured. Love the beach scene with the daughter and dogs... great shot. JV
Johnny JAG06-Oct-2007 14:23
I'd say a definite calendar picture.